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12/31/00 The Talking of the Drum (CBS News)
12/27/00 The Other Ones Keep On Sans Garcia (Excite News)
12/27/00 Phil Lesh Holiday Message (GDF NetNews)
12/26/00 Bob Weir - The Other One: From the Dead to Ratdog (Gavin Report)
12/4/00 Phil Lesh to appear at Bay Area Blood Banks (GDF NetNews)
12/1/00 Weir, Theatre part in Philly (Philadelphia Daily News)
11/28/00 CD REVIEW: The Grateful Dead's 'Ladies and Gentlemen...' (Excite News) [click here to order]
11/27/00 Ancient Redwood Tree Luna illegally cut and injured (Circle of Life Foundation)
11/17/00 A new lease on life for the Dead, Ratdog (Bergen Record)
11/15/00 Dueling New Year's Eve Shows Leave Deadheads Spinning (SonicNet.com)
11/9/00 eBay not liable for bootleg sales (AP)
10/26/00 Bob Weir appears in the Wherehouse Lounge on November 07, 2000 (Checkout.com) [contains video of Weir/Karan doing Odessa in RealPlayer and Windows Media Player]
10/26/00 Mickey Hart's Drum History Lesson (SFGate)
10/23/00 Lesh bounces back from transplant with his other friends (Denver Post)
10/20/00 Persuading the Dead (NPR.org) [RealAudio available of whole segment!]
10/19/00 New book on Garcia available online (Wordpop.com)
10/18/00 Dead's Lesh enjoys fresh lease on life, band tour (Chicago Sun-Times)
10/15/00 It's art -- live and in concert - J. Garcia Art Show (Baltimore Sun)
10/13/00 Digitizing the Dead (Wall of Sound)
10/00 Against the Grain: An Interview with Bruce Hornsby (Music Box)
10/6/00 Lesh & Friends bring new life to classics (Boston Globe)
10/6/00 Truckin': A Dead man returns (Boston Globe)
10/5/00 Mill Valley Music Festival to show "Grateful Dawg" movie [note from Geoff: select modem speed from lower right-hand corner of page. Needs Quicktime.]
9/27/00 The Dead Live And Reinterpreted (Billboard) [note from Geoff: This is a review of the upcoming 10/10/00 releases (October 3-Pak)]
9/25/00 With good vibes from Grateful Dead drummer, Jennings advances [Olymic runner inspired by drumming] (AP/Yahoo)
9/21/00 Grateful Dead isn't laid back when it comes to fighting music pirates (SFGate) [note from Geoff: I'm briefly (very briefly!) interviewed in this article]
9/20/00 Barnes and Noble University to offer free class on Jerry Garcia and the Dead [note from Geoff : there are a few things referred to as "course materials," which B&N would be happy to sell you. You can of course buy the Garcia Bio and Box Set from the GDF!]
9/13/00 Bruce Hornsby Glad To Be on the Bus (AP/Excite)
9/1/00 Tipper Tips Her Hat to Drummer (SF Gate)
9/1/00 Hornsby Making 'Noise' With Live Album (Billboard.com)
8/29/00 A Peek Into The Dead's Video 'Vault' (Billboard.com)
[note: click here for ordering info]
8/29/00 4-CD Grateful Dead set from 1971 Fillmore East shows (GDF NetNews)
8/26/00 Deadheads, Dwindling Yet Dedicated (LA Times)
8/25/00 Grateful Dead's productivity shows no signs of slowing (Boulder News)
8/25/00 Life After Dead (Spokane.net)
8/25/00 Getting a Further listen to Dead tunes (SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER)
8/24/00 Return of the Other Other One - Coming around full circle with Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann (MetroActive)
8/22/00 The Other Ones Take It Furthur (SF Gate)
8/21/00 Dissing the Dead - TRADEMARK WARS (US News Online)
8/18/00 I was a Teenage Deadhead - Beware of dread-sportin white people (OC Weekly)
8/16/00 The Other Ones To Raise The Dead Quotient On This Year's Furthur Festival (LiveDaily)
8/15/00 Yet another Other Ones (Marin IJ)
8/00 "We've Got Our Best People On It:" Bob Weir Directs Traffic with the Other Ones (JamBands)
8/12/00 DEAD LEADER REBORN AS ART--S.F. not grateful for Jerry Garcia statue (SFGate)
8/11/00 Garcia statue mysteriously appears in park! (KFOG)
8/10/00 The Other Ones 2000 to appear on Craig Kilborne show (GDF NetNews)
8/9/00 The Dead's long, strange trip lives (CBS Marketwatch)
8/8/00 Five years after Garcia's death, Grateful Dead family thrives (Canoe.com)
8/7/00 Grateful Dead Songs Inspire Celtic Celebration on Wake The Dead (Excite)
8/1/00 `Road' Passes Through Familiar Territory - Interesting trend buried in tribute to Grateful Dead (SF Gate)
7/27/00 Former Dead members carry on (Examiner.com)
7/27/00 Long Strange Trip-'The End of the Road' documents the last days of the Grateful Dead (Examiner.com)
Jerry Garcia-The Acoustic Man's Dead (1985 interview in Guitar.com)
7/11/00 Rock legends featured in Canuck tour film (Jam!)
6/22/00 Bill Kreutzmann joins The Other Ones (GDF NetNews)
6/20/00 Phil and Friends 6.12.00 Concert to be broadcast on SF's KFOG (GDF NetNews)
6/20/00 Dylan, Lesh Offer Few Surprises (Rolling Stone)
6/18/00 Phil Captains his own ship (Marysville Appeal-Democrat)
6/18/00 Lesh grabs a few new friends for latest tour (Sacramento Bee)
6/16/00 Road Warrior Interview: John Perry Barlow (Expedia.com)
6/16/00 A Touch of Gray (re: Rob Levitsky, deadhead landlord, Fortune Magazine)
6/9/00 Hart Apologizes, Furthur Festival 2000 Announced (Yahoo)
6/8/00 Furthur Fest To Feature Other Ones, Ziggy Marley (Billboard)
6/5/00 Dead Parts Ways Over Concert Archive (WallofSound)
6/3/00 Phil and Friends Secret Concert to be broadcast on SF's KFOG (GDF NetNews)
6/1/00 New Dead Tribute to feature Costello, Dylan (Rolling Stone)
5/26/00 Grateful Dead survivor, pals are ready to unleash Ratdog (Arkansas Online)
5/26/00 Lesh, Dylan co-headline summer tour (Sonicnet.com)
5/25/00 Every Ratdog has his day, or so the band hopes (Tribune Chronicle, OH) [note: article written by GDF member John Gatta (Jpg16@aol.com)]
5/25/00 Hart brings new band to town (Cincinnati Post)
5/22/00 Mickey Hart Band review from Bloomington, IN (Excite News)
4/27/00 American Beauty -- Dead Phish taste the best (LAWeekly)
[note: a nice tasty vicious loving review of the GD and the Box Set]
4/26/00 Salon review of Pizza Tapes (Salon.com)
4/21/00 Furthur 2000 is officially on (GDF NetNews)
4/20/00 The Origin of Stoner term "420" (SF Gate)
4/19/00 Surviving Members Of The Grateful Dead Tour Separately (livedaily.com)
4/6/00 Mickey Hart to Play Dead (Rolling Stone)
3/30/00 NBC's 'God' is dead (CNN)
3/30/00 Phil and Friends to head Mountain Aire 2000 (GDF NetNews)
3/24/00 A friend of the Devil is a face of mine? (USA Today)
3/15/00 Does NBC have Grateful Deity on its hands? (SF Gate)
3/10/00 Stolen Roses, GD Tribute CD, due out in June (SonicNet)
2/23/00 Grateful Dead's Lesh Finds "Friends," Maps Out Dates (MTV News) (more MTV GD Links)
1/28/00 Hart works digital magic on new album (Boston Globe)
1/21/00 The blues, the whites, and Robert Johnson (movie review, Bergen Record)
1/5/00 Rhythm Maestro Mickey Hart Translates Spirit Into Sound On January 25th Spirit is Companion Album to Best Selling Book of the Same Name (Excite News)
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